Alexis used her potty for the first time at 22 months and we were so excited. She also said her first long sentence "Daddy do you want a smoothie?". On top of that, last night when I was putting her to sleep she said "Mommy, Alexis Best Friends" which just made my heart melt. She is also very good at always saying "thank you" and "please". I love it and she has definitely made having two young kids not as hard as I was expecting because she is such a good helper. Alexis cleans up after herself and all her toys every night, and when I ask her something she always does it (with a few exceptions). She also made an Igloo at school and was so excited to show daddy. She however wants to call it a cupcake sometimes because they used icing to make the igloo. Too cute!
Also last night Jon Carter (6.5 months) woke up in the middle of the night talking and said "Da Da" and a bunch of other stuff. At first we thought it was Alexis and we were surprised it was Jon Carter. Join his 2 front bottom teeth are his 2 incisors which is weird because the next ones to usually appear on the top 2, but the gum is swollen on his top 2 and they are about to pop out anyways. He also loves Miss Stacy at his Mommy Morning Out Program.
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