Friday, January 8, 2010

Jon Carter's 6 month check up

Jon Carter is now 6 months old and has his 2 bottom teeth and is top two are trying to make an appearance. He now weighs 18 lbs 4 oz (50-75%) and is 27 7/8 inches (90-95%). He is growing so fast. At his doctors appointment he had to get 4 shots so he wasn't too happy about that but he did good. We also got him the flu shot because after all the sickness around the holidays I was so over everyone being ill.
He has been on solid food now for 2 month and eats it 3 times a day with 4 bottles. Jon Carter loves to roll and is getting better at sitting up but is not completely sturdy just yet. He also loves to chew on things and is such a smiley baby. As for sleeping he is still not good at always sleeping through the night.
He was suppose to start his first Mommy's Morning Out Program today while his sister went to her first day of School but it got canceled because of snow so they will both have to wait till next Friday to attend.

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